Engine Inventory

The Automobile Parts portal

Client wanted to build a mobile application which gives their customers to avail all the products that they are selling. They were very frustrated and unorganized by the manual processing.

About project

The company is selling

thousands of products

Export Mania is the a portal to supply used automotive parts direct from vehicle recyclers for export. The purpose of the application is to facilitate their customers to search through listed parts like Engines, Front & End Parts, Suspensions, Engine Parts. Customer can view detail information about the parts and can contact Export Mania for further proceedings.

app features

Browse Product

User will be able to search different parts they are looking for. This listing consist of product image, Part Name, Model No, Cost, etc. App user can make any particular parts as a favorite. There is a filter to get rid of unwanted product listings.


Product Listing

User will be able to search different parts they are looking for. This listing consist of product image, Part Name, Model No, Cost, etc. App user can make any particular parts as a favorite. There is a filter to get rid of unwanted product listings.

Product Details

User will be able to view details of the parts they have selected from listing. This screen will have cover image of parts, and other details of the product like of Engine #, Model #, Cost, Email, Phone number etc.


Product History

User will be able to see all the product he/she has reviewed it. User also will be able to access the product detail information through this screen as well.


App Development Stack

  • Platform


  • Language


  • Database

    Core Data

Backend Development Stack

  • Framework


  • Language


  • Database

